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/skills and experience

As a Computer Science major at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, I have a solid foundation in object-oriented programming (OOP) and data structures. Additionally, I have gained practical experience working with databases and operating systems by having taken relevant courses and applying that knowledge to various projects. Some of these projects include implementing a SQLite page cache, a JSON parser for SQLite load files, a simple shell, and a disk parser for an ext2 disk image. You can find more of my projects, including the source code for this website, on my GitHub profile.

I also have a strong background in fullstack development. On the frontend, I actively utilize frameworks/libraries such as React.js/Next.js and SvelteKit. For backend development, I have experience working with Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB.

Here are the technologies I have been working with as of late: Java, C, Python, Rust, Lua, SQL, JavaScript (ES6+), Typescript, HTML & CSS, Node.js/Express.js, React.js/Next.js, and Svelte.

You can view my resume here, and connect with me on LinkedIn for further contact.